王俊 WANG, Jun
電子郵箱: wangjunwater@sdu.edu.cn
基本介紹 Bio:
王俊,中共黨員🧏🏻♀️,現任摩臣2平台副研究員、碩士生導師🧎🏻♂️➡️、“摩臣2平台青年學者未來計劃”入選者🤌🏻。兼任中國水利學會水資源專業委員會委員,國際水資源學會中國委員會水資源管理與節約專委會委員,山東省應急管理學會理事🤵🏼♂️。2019年獲加拿大McMaster University 土木工程博士學位🧑🏿🌾,2019-2020年在加拿大知名國際工程咨詢機構CIMA Canada Inc.和Cole Engineering Group Ltd. (現Arcadis IBI) 先後擔任水利和市政模型專家。主要研究領域為城市雨水控製與利用🤵、流域水文與水資源管理、生態水文與水環境保護等🧑🏽🦱👩🦳。近年來發表相關學術論文30余篇,其中以第一作者/通訊作者在Water Resources Research🫵、Journal of Hydrology等高水平期刊發表論文20余篇 (包括JCR一區論文13篇,中科院一區top論文8篇,累積影響因子超過100)☝️;申請和授權發明專利及軟著5項;曾主持和參與加拿大NSERC和MITACS等多個研究項目,主持國家自然基金項目、山東省級縱向項目及橫向技術服務項目10余項,參與加拿大Basement Flooding Protection Program等多個水利市政項目;擔任Water專刊和EI期刊《工程科學與技術》等多個國內外學術期刊編委或青年編委;擔任Science of the Total Environment, Conservation Resources and Recycling 等二十余個期刊審稿人;
研究方向 Research Interest:
教育背景 Education Background:
l 2015-2019,麥克馬斯特大學,土木工程(水資源與環境工程方向),博士(導師🤽♀️:Yiping Guo)
l 2011-2014,摩臣2平台🌨🎐,水文學及水資源🚴,碩士(導師:曹升樂)
l 2007-2011,西安理工大學,水文與水資源工程,學士(導師🥭🧚🏽:黃強)
工作履歷 Working Experience:
l 2015.01-2019.08👩🏽⚖️,麥克馬斯特大學土木工程系 (加拿大),教學助理、科研助理
l 2019.01-2020.02,CIMA Canada Inc. (加拿大),水利模型專家
l 2020.03-2020.11,Cole Engineering Group Ltd. (現Arcadis IBI,加拿大),市政模型專家
l 2020.12-至今,摩臣2平台水利系🤽🏽♀️,副研究員
學術兼職 Academic Activities🤵🏿:
l 中國水利學會水資源專業委員會委員
l 國際水資源學會中國委員會水資源管理與節約專委會委員
l 山東省應急管理學會理事
l Water期刊Topical advisory panel member
l Water專刊客座主編,EI期刊《工程科學與技術》青年編委等
l 國際期刊審稿人:Science of the Total Environment, Conservation Resources and Recycling, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Hydrology Research, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Water Resources Management, Scientific Reports, Hydrology Research, Sustainability, Water, Hydrology, Urban Science, Applied Science, Land, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Climate Dynamics, Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development等
l 國內期刊審稿人:摩臣2平台學報🤹🏼♂️,水利水運工程學報,市政技術🧑🏻🦱,水生態學雜誌,中國給水排水,水利水電技術(中英文)等
代表論文Featured Publications🛢:
l Wang, JC., Wang, J*., Cao, S., Li C., Zhang, S., Guo, Y. (2024) A framework for quantifying stormwater control measures' hydrologic performance with analytical stochastic models. Water Resources Management. (JCR Q1 IF=3.9)
l Wang, JC., Wang, J*., Cao, S., Li C., Zhang, S., Guo, Y. (2024) Hydrologic performance quantification of green roofs using an analytical stochastic approach based on kernel distribution estimation: Extensive case studies in Shandong Province, Northern China. Journal of Hydrology—Regional Studies. (JCR Q1 IF=4.7)
l Wang, J., Jia, J., Cao, S., Diao, Y., Wang, J., Guo, Y. (2024) Towards cost-effective design of stormwater infiltration trenches: a hybrid model integrating benefit-cost analysis and analytical stochastic approach. Environmental Science-Water Research &Technology Environmental (JCR Q1 IF=5.0)
l Liu, S., Liu Y., et al., Wang, J.* (2024) Machine learning-based prediction of landscape pattern variations: A case study in the Yushenfu mining area, northern Shaanxi, China. Environmental Earth Sciences(JCR Q2 IF=2.8)
l Wang, J., Jia, J., Cao, S., Diao, Y., Wang, J., Guo, Y. (2024) StRaWHAT: A stochastic rainwater harvesting assessment tool for rainwater harvesting performance assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production (JCR Q1 IF=11.1中科院一區top)
l Wang, J., Jia, J., Cao, S., Diao, Y., Wang, J., Guo, Y. (2024) A new analytical stormwater model for bioretention systems considering both infiltration and saturation excess runoff generation processes. Journal of Hydrology. (JCR Q1 IF=6.4中科院一區top)
l Jun Wang, Yijiao Diao, Shengle Cao, Jingjing Jia, Jiachang Wang, Yiping Guo (2023). The improved analytical stochastic model of infiltration trenches for stormwater quantity control Science of the Total Environment. (JCR Q1 IF=9.8中科院一區top)
l Cao, S., Jia, J., Wang J.*, Diao, Y., Liu, Y., Guo, Y. (2023). Development of an analytical permeable pavement model for vehicular access areas. Science of the Total Environment. (JCR Q1 IF=9.8中科院一區top)
l Cao, S., Diao, Y., Wang, J., Liu, Y., Raimondi, A., & Wang, J.* (2023). KDE-Based Rainfall Event Separation and Characterization. Water, 15(3), 580. (JCR Q2 IF=3.53)
l Liu, Y., Chong, F., Jia, J., Cao, S., & Wang, J. * (2022). Proper Pricing Approach to the Water Supply Cost Sharing: A Case Study of the Eastern Route of the South to North Water Diversion Project in China. Water, 14(18), 2842. (JCR Q2 IF=3.53)
l Liu, Y., Wang, J.* et al. (2021). Copula-based framework for integrated evaluation of water quality and quantity: a case study of Yihe River, China. Science of the Total Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150075 (JCR Q1 IF=10.753中科院一區top)
l Wang, J., & Guo, Y.* (2020). Dynamic water balance of infiltration-based stormwater best management practices. Journal of Hydrology, 125174. (JCR Q1 IF=6.708中科院一區top)
l Wang, J., & Guo, Y.* (2020). Proper sizing of infiltration trenches using closed-form analytical equations. Water Resources Management, 34(12), 3809-3821.(JCR Q1 IF=4.426)
l Wang, J., & Guo, Y.* (2019). Stochastic analysis of storm water quality control detention ponds. Journal of Hydrology, 571, 573-584. (JCR Q1 IF=6.708中科院一區top)
l Wang, J.*, Zhang, S., & Guo, Y. (2019). Analyzing the impact of impervious area disconnection on urban runoff control using an analytical probabilistic model. Water Resources Management, 33(5), 1753-1768. (JCR Q1 IF=4.426)
l Wang, J., & Guo, Y.* (2018). An analytical stochastic approach for evaluating the performance of combined sewer overflow tanks. Water Resources Research, 54(5), 3357-3375. (JCR Q1 IF=6.159 中科院一區top)
專利軟著 Patents and Software Copyright:
l 2022年,劉陽, 王俊, 刁一驕, 賈菁菁, 李新迎, 遊瑞峰, 曹升樂. 一種基於浮力調節生態流量的城市河道翻板閘及設計方法✒️,2022 (專利號ZL 2022 1 0898691.6)
l 2023年,王俊,劉陽,賈菁菁,王海軍,劉薇,陳翠英,曹升樂,王家昌,郭成, 並聯水庫防洪優化調度方法🙅🏻♂️👽、系統、介質及設備 (申請號:2023104204115)
l 2023年🧔♀️,王海軍,王俊,賈菁菁,劉陽,劉薇,陳翠英,曹升樂,王效忠,蔡振華👩⚖️,降雨中心在流域空間移動的情景模擬方法及系統(申請號:2023103549857)
l 2023年,王俊,王家昌,降雨場次劃分軟件V1.0,2023SR0763588
l 2023年🛜,王俊,刁義驕,雨水滲渠的徑流控製效能和成本效益計算軟件 V1.0, 2023SR0648539
科研經歷 Projects:
l 2019-2019 加拿大MITACS 項目“Stochastic analysis of infiltration facilities for storm water control”(主持)
l 2022-2024 國家自然基金青年項目“雨水滲透設施的概率水文模型構建及場地試驗模擬研究”(主持)
l 2022-2024 山東省自然基金青年項目“綠色屋頂的概率水文模型構建與應用”🛀🏼,(主持)
l 2021-2022 橫向技術服務🚀,“萊州市重點流域生態基流保障措施規劃及相關模型設計”(主持)
l 2021-2022 縱向🔊,摩臣2平台人才培養與基本科研業務經費項目(主持)
l 2021-2026 縱向🕺🏽,摩臣2平台青年學未來計劃項目(主持)
l 2022-2023 橫向技術服務👊🏿🙆🏿♂️,“沂河流域洪水預報調度一體化及風險研究”(主持)
l 2023-2023 橫向技術服務🗓,“某防洪工程影響評價”(主持)
l 2023-2025 山東省科技型中小企業創新能力提升工程項目“基於智慧農業的高效節水灌排閘門及控製系統”(主持)
l 2023 -2024 橫向技術服務“徒駭河通航工程預可行性研究四新河口至東風港設計通航水位及補水水量分析研究”(主持)
教學經歷 Teaching Courses:
l 本科生課程《工程水文學》、《流體力學》、《水利信息化》🤙🏿、校級通選課《雨水公園》🔇、暑期學校海外師資課程(英文)《水科學與工程技術》、暑期學校海外師資課程(英文)《可持續水資源管理熱點前沿》🎮、《新生研討課》👨👦👦、亞洲校園項目課程等
l 研究生課程《專業外語》、《Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management》、《現代水文學》等
通訊方式 Contact:
l 地址:山東省濟南市經十路17922號摩臣2平台千佛山校區摩臣2娱乐
l 郵編:250061
l 電子郵箱: wangjunwater@sdu.edu.cn
l 個人主頁:https://faculty.sdu.edu.cn/wangjunwater/zh_CN/index.htm
l Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?hl=en&user=7zg1nIUAAAAJ
l ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jun-Wang-84
招生信息 :
Dr. Jun (Jeffrey) Wang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University
l 2015 2019 McMaster University, Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
l 2011-2014 Shandong University, M.Sc. in Hydrology and Water Resources
l 2007-2011 Xi’an University of Technology, B.Eng. in Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Work Experience:
l 2015-2019,McMaster University, Teaching & Research Assistant
l 2019-2020🏌️♂️,CIMA Canada Inc., Hydraulic Modelling Specialist
l 2020-2020,Cole Engineering Group Ltd. (Now Arcadis IBI), Municipal Modelling Specialist
l 2021-Present,Shandong University, Associate Professor
Research Fields:
l Urban stormwater management
l Water resources management and planning
l Ecohydrology and water environment protection
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?hl=en&user=7zg1nIUAAAAJ
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jun-Wang-84
Contact Info:
l Mailing Address: 17922 Jingshi Rd, Lixia District, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University (Qianfoshan Campus), Jinan, Shandong Province 250061, CHINA
l Email: wangjunwater@sdu.edu.cn
l Personal Website: https://faculty.sdu.edu.cn/wangjun12345/en/index.htm