研究方向🏃🏻➡️: 水文和地球物理模型耦合
● 2007 - 2012👔👪,亞利桑那大學水文與水資源系🍬,水文與水資源專業🧑🏽🍳,
博士導師: Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh 教授
● 2004 - 2013,中國地質大學(北京)水資源與環境摩臣2,水文與水資源專業,
博士導師💆🏼♂️: 萬力 教授
● 2000 - 2004,中國礦業大學資源與地球科學摩臣2🧑🏿🦲,水文與水資源專業😍,
本科導師🦹🏽: 楊國勇 教授
● 2017.10 – 至今,摩臣2平台,教授, 博士生導師
● 2016.8 – 2017.9,新墨西哥理工摩臣2地球環境系,助理教授
● 2016.1 – 2016.8,科羅拉多礦業摩臣2石油工程系,博士後
● 2013.6 - 2015.12,科羅拉多礦業摩臣2地球物理系🏞👖,博士後
● 2012.5 - 2013.5🗄,亞利桑那大學水文與水資源系🧑🏻🎄🍈,博士後
● 2021-至今👨🎨,EI 期刊《煤田地質與勘察》,編委
● 2020-至今🏋🏿♀️🧏🏼♀️,中國水利學會地下水科學與工程分會,委員
● 2020-至今,亞洲地球科學協會(AOGS)地學分會,學會秘書
● 2020-至今👨🏿💻,SCI期刊 Hydrogeology Journal,副主編
● 2018-至今🙎♂️👫🏻,SCI期刊 Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics,副主編
● 2016-至今🚴🏼♀️,AGU Hydrogeophysics Technical Committee Member
● 科技部,國家重點研發項目子課題,2023YFC3706000📃💵,“土壤與地下水重非水相液體(DNAPLs)精細刻畫關鍵技術”,2024-2027▪️,主持
● 科技部,國家重點研發計劃政府間國際科技創新合作專項👂🏼,滲透式反應墻運行穩定性的低影響監測預警技術🩼,2023-2025💅🏽👌🏼,主持
● 山東濱州工業園區管理委員會,濱州濱城化工產業園地下水環境狀況詳細調查評估項目, 2023-2023🧢🧑🎤,主持
● 山東省生態環境規劃研究院,黃河流域典型灌區農業面源氮磷汙染調查👩🏼🦳,2022-2024,80萬元,主持
● 國家自然基金委,自然科學基金面上項目🫑,42177056,“納米零價鐵原位修復過程的復電阻率監測機理研究”,2022-2025,主持
● 科技部🧝♀️,國家重點研發項目子課題,2019YFC1520502,“石窟水鹽運移的監測系統及規律研究”,2020-2022🧑🏽💼,主持
● 國家自然基金委🤷🏻♀️🍸,中組部特聘專家“青年項目”,地下水地球物理,2019-2024,主持
● 天津市北辰區土地整理中心,天津海豚橡膠集團有限公司(新光道)地塊汙染場地修復技術方案🎼,2021-2021,主持
● 摩臣2平台齊魯青年學者,水文地球物理數據融合🦛,2017/10-2022/10⚓️,主持
● Meng J, Hu K, Wang S, Wang Y, Chen Z, Gao C, Deqiang Mao(*), (2024) A framework for risk assessment of groundwater contamination integrating hydrochemical, hydrogeological and electrical resistivity tomography method, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 10.1007/s11356-024-33030-5
● Ma X, J Zhang, Nimrod Schwartz, J Li, C Chao, Meng J, Deqiang Mao(*), (2024) Characterizing Landfill Extent, Composition, and Biogeochemical Activity using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Induced Polarization under Varying Geomembrane Coverage, Geophysics, 10.1190/geo2023-0599.1
● Ma X, J Zhou, J Li, J Zhang, C Han, L Guo, S Li, Deqiang Mao(*), (2024) Image-guided structure-constrained inversion of electrical resistivity data for improving anomalies characterization, Computers & Geosciences, 10.1016/j.cageo.2024.105545
● Xia T, M Ma, J.A. Huisman, C Zheng, C Gao, Deqiang Mao(*), (2023) Monitoring of in-situ chemical oxidation for remediation of diesel-contaminated soil with electrical resistivity tomography, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2023.104170.
● Xia T, J Meng, B Ding, Z Chen, S Liu, K Titov, Deqiang Mao(*), (2023) Integration of hydrochemical and induced polarization analysis for leachate localization in a municipal landfill, Waste Management, 10.1016/j.wasman.2022.12.014.
● Mao Deqiang and A. Revil(*) (2016), Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles, Part3. A new approach to time domain induced polarization tomography, Geophysics, 81:4, D359-375, doi: 10.1190/geo2015-0283.1.
● Mao Deqiang A. Revil(*), L. Lu, Y. Zuo, J. Hinton and Z. Ren (2016), Geophysical monitoring of hydrocarbon- contaminated soil remediated with bioelectrochemical system, Environmental Sciences & Technology, 50(15), 8205-8213, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b00535.
● Mao Deqiang, A. Revil(*), R. Hort, Munakata-Marr J. and Kulessa K. (2015), Resistivity and self-potential tomography applied to groundwater remediation and contaminant plumes: sandbox and field experiments, J. Hydr, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.031
● Ruijue Zhao, Qingrong Xiong, Zaibin Liu, Shiliang Liu, Xinmin Ma, Deqiang Mao(*), (2023), Reconstruction of hydrogeological parameter distributions by exploiting structural similarities, Advanced in Water Resources, 10.1016/j.advwatres.2023.104404.
● Ma M, Z Liu, X Ma, R Zhao, Deqiang Mao(*), (2022) Exploration of Ordovician limestone aquifer heterogeneity with tomographic water releasing tests, Journal of Hydrology, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127655
● 趙瑞玨,毛德強*⛴,劉再斌,姬中奎,曹祖寶,(2021) 基於水力層析法的某煤礦承壓含水層疊加放水試驗分析🌪,水文地質與工程地質,10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202003024
● Mao Deqiang, Z Liu, W Wang, S Li, Y Gao, Z Xu, C Zhang, (2018) An application of hydraulic tomography to a deep coal mine: combining traditional pumping tests with water inrush incidents, Journal of hydrology 567, 1-11
● Mao Deqiang, T.-C. J. Yeh, L. Wan, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee and J.-C. Wen(*) (2013), Joint interpretation of sequential pumping tests in unconfined aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 49, 1782-1796, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20129.
● Mao Deqiang, T.-C. J. Yeh, L. Wan, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee and J.-C. Wen (*) (2013), Cross-correlation analysis and information content of observed heads during pumping in unconfined aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 49, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20066.
● Mao, Deqiang, T.-C. J. Yeh, L. Wan, K.-C. Hsu and C.-H. Lee(*), (2013), Necessary and sufficient conditions for inverse modeling of flow through variably saturated porous media, Adv. Water Resour., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres. 2012.08.001.
● Mao, D., L. Wan, T.-C. J. Yeh, C.-H. Lee, K.-C. Hsu, J.-C. Wen and W. Lu(*) (2011), A revisit of drawdown behavior during pumping in unconfined aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 47, W05502, doi: 10.1029/2010WR009326.
● 一種地下水汙染地球物理模擬測試裝置及方法,毛德強、 郭麗莉、晁琛🌪、 李書鵬、 張家銘、 王蓓麗、 楊凱🥎,授權公布號:ZL202310883983.7,授權公告日期:2023-09-19
● 一種基於復電阻率信號的非連續滲透反應墻運維檢測方法,毛德強、郭麗莉、李婧🧢、李書鵬👾、熊靜💁🏽、張家銘、趙瑞玨,授權公布號🏨👚:ZL202310884822.X↩️🖖🏼,授權公告日📌👩🏻⚕️:2023-09-15
● 一種石質文物本體高密度電法監測裝置🖇、系統及方法,毛德強、馬新民🙍🏼♀️、劉士亮、夏騰🏌️♂️🤹🏽、孟健、趙瑞玨🥀,授權公布號👨🌾:ZL202211431438.6💅🏽,授權公告日:2023-03-31
● 井間激發極化供測雙線探測裝置、系統及陣列采集方法,毛德強🧩、夏騰👎🏻、劉士亮、董艷輝、馬新民、孟建、趙瑞玨🌖,授權公布號:ZL202210941000.6,授權公告日:2022-11-15
● 一種基於定向平滑約束反演的場地汙染物刻畫方法及系統,毛德強、馬新民🤱💃🏼、夏騰、馬敏、趙瑞玨🖐🧔🏻、孟健😔、劉正達🔵、王亞洵🧩,授權公布號👩🏿⚕️:ZL202110299494.8💱,授權公告日:2022-06-17
● 多功能便攜式跨孔電阻率CT信號采集裝置🧑🏿🚀👩🏿🎤、系統及方法👨🏽🌾,毛德強、夏騰📆、孟健、趙瑞玨🍤🐂,授權公布號👩🏻🚀:ZL202110205195.3,授權公告日🍂:2022-05-17
● 一種獲取巖石裂隙分布及水力學參數的實驗裝置及方法♙,劉正達🙅🏻♀️、毛德強、孟健、王亞洵、夏騰🧨、趙瑞玨、胡開友、宋瑞超,授權公布號:ZL202010317397.2,授權公告日👷🏽♂️🫳:2021-09-17
● 一種便攜式高密度電纜專用盤線裝置,毛德強、夏騰🤾🏻♂️、孟健、趙瑞玨、宋瑞超🔌、王亞洵🦵🏼、胡開友,授權公布號:ZL202022272675.5,授權公告日:2021-07-09
● 基於ERT和IP圈定包氣帶中LNAPLs的汙染源區探測方法及系統,胡開友🕵️♀️、毛德強、董艷輝、夏騰、宋瑞超、趙瑞玨🚾、王亞洵、孟健♥️、劉正達,授權公布號👨🏿🍼:ZL202010318235.0,授權公告日:2021-06-04
● 一種水庫滲漏檢測實驗用模擬平臺、試驗系統及方法,王亞洵、毛德強、夏騰、宋瑞超📥🧕🏽、孟健、劉正達、胡開友🧑🏻🎤、趙瑞玨👳♀️,授權公布號:ZL202010242448.X💲🚐,授權公告日😊🍫:2021-04-13
● 石窟水鹽運移監測平臺[簡稱:GWSTM]V1.0👩🏽💼,馬新民、毛德強,授權日期:2024-1-12
● 智慧環境監測數據可視化平臺V1.0🦵🏽,毛德強🚶🏻、馬新民、蘇誌慧、孟健👃🏼,授權日期:2023-11-23
● 基於汙染指數法的地下水汙染評價系統V1.0,李婧、陳子方🫱🏿、毛德強、王丙暉,授權日期:2023-02-28
● 基於單指標評價法的地下水質量評價系統V1.0🕤,李婧、陳子方、毛德強、寧美璐,授權日期:2022-11-15
● 基於水力層析的水文地質參數插值系統V1.0,馬敏、毛德強、馬新民✋🏿、孟健,授權日期:2021-11-22
● 基於圖像約束反演的四方向平滑矩陣計算系統🙆🏿,馬新民、毛德強♠️🎽、孟健,授權日期👨✈️🧛🏿♂️:2021-06-18
● 通用正反演模型實現與擬合軟件V2.0,孟健🫔、毛德強、趙瑞玨🪿,授權日期:2020-06-28
● 通用正反演模型實現與擬合軟件V1.0,孟健🦞、毛德強,授權日期:2020-04-16
● Mao D., T.-C. J. Yeh, W. Illman A. Revil, J.-C. Wen and Zha Y. (2016), Chapter 19: Hydraulic tomography, in Handbook of Groundwater Engineering: 3rd edition, edited by J. H. Cushman and D. M. Tartakovsky.
● 2023年第九屆“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽山東省銀獎🤽🏻♀️,第一指導教師,參賽題目:問診地球-水土汙染智慧雲監測技術革新者
● 2022年第八屆中國國際“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽山東省金獎🎴,第一指導教師,參賽題目✔️:長距離調水渠道滲漏快速檢測技術
● 2022年第三屆水科學數值模擬創新大賽🕳,優勝獎✍🏻,第一指導老師,參賽題目:城市內澇模擬
● 2022年摩臣2平台第九屆山東省大學生科技創新大賽校級選拔賽,一等獎,第一指導老師,參賽題目:問診地球—汙染場地遠程智慧監測雲平臺
● 山東省環境技術進步一等獎,第一完成人,2023年
● 摩臣2平台專業學位優秀教學案例🥏,第一完成人,2023年
● 山東省高等學校科學技術一等獎,第三完成人🧚🏻♂️,2023年
● 河南省科學技術進步二等獎,第七完成人,2023年
● 美國水資源高校聯合會CUAHSI,Instrumentation Discovery Travel Grant,2016
● 美國亞利桑那大學,John and Margaret Harshbarger Doctoral Fellowship, 2011年
通訊地址🧻:山東省濟南市經十路17922號 摩臣2平台千佛山校區摩臣2娱乐
電子郵箱: maodeqiang@sdu.edu.cn
Resume(English version):
Deqiang Mao, PhD
Professor of Hydrogeology
Vice Dean of the School of Civil Engineering
Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Research areas: hydrogeology, groundwater geophysics, and inverse modeling
2007 – 2012, The University of Arizona, hydrology major, soil science minor, PhD
Advisor: Dr. Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh
2004 – 2013, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), hydrology major, PhD
Advisor: Prof. Wan Li
2000 – 2004, China University of Mining and Technology, School of Resource and Earth Science, hydrology major, Bachelor, Supervisor: Prof. Yang Guoyong
Professional experience
2017.10 – today, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University, Professor
2016.8 – 2017.9, Department of Earth and Environment Sciences, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Assistant professor
2016.1 – 2016.8, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Postdoc
2013.6 - 2015.12, Department of Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines, Postdoc
2012.5 - 2013.5,Department of Hydrology, The University of Arizona, Postdoc
2021 – today, Editorial Board Member, EI journal "Coal Geology & Exploration"
2020 – today, Member, Groundwater Science and Engineering Branch, China Water Resources Association
2020 – today, Secretary, Geosciences Division, Asian Association of Geological Sciences (AAGS)
2020 – today, Associate Editor, SCI journal "Hydrogeology Journal"
2018 – today, Associate Editor, SCI journal "Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics,"
2016- 2018,AGU Hydrogeophysics Technical Committee Member
2014 - 2018,AGU Groundwater Technical Committee Member
Since 2006, AGU member
Reviewers for: Advance in Water Resources; Applied Mathematical Modeling; Geophysics; Hydrology Research; Hydrogeology Journal; Journal of Hydrology; Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment; Transport in Porous Media; Water Resources Research
Representative Papers (* Corresponding Author)
(1)Groundwater Geophysics
● Meng J, Hu K, Wang S, Wang Y, Chen Z, Gao C, Deqiang Mao(*), (2024) A framework for risk assessment of groundwater contamination integrating hydrochemical, hydrogeological and electrical resistivity tomography method, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 10.1007/s11356-024-33030-5
● Ma X, J Zhang, Nimrod Schwartz, J Li, C Chao, Meng J, Deqiang Mao(*), (2024) Characterizing Landfill Extent, Composition, and Biogeochemical Activity using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Induced Polarization under Varying Geomembrane Coverage, Geophysics, 10.1190/geo2023-0599.1
● Ma X, J Zhou, J Li, J Zhang, C Han, L Guo, S Li, Deqiang Mao(*), (2024) Image-guided structure-constrained inversion of electrical resistivity data for improving anomalies characterization, Computers & Geosciences, 10.1016/j.cageo.2024.105545
● Xia T, M Ma, J.A. Huisman, C Zheng, C Gao, Deqiang Mao(*), (2023) Monitoring of in-situ chemical oxidation for remediation of diesel-contaminated soil with electrical resistivity tomography, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2023.104170.
● Xia T, J Meng, B Ding, Z Chen, S Liu, K Titov, Deqiang Mao(*), (2023) Integration of hydrochemical and induced polarization analysis for leachate localization in a municipal landfill, Waste Management, 10.1016/j.wasman.2022.12.014.
● Mao Deqiang and A. Revil(*) (2016), Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles, Part3. A new approach to time domain induced polarization tomography, Geophysics, 81:4, D359-375, doi: 10.1190/geo2015-0283.1.
● Mao Deqiang A. Revil(*), L. Lu, Y. Zuo, J. Hinton and Z. Ren (2016), Geophysical monitoring of hydrocarbon- contaminated soil remediated with bioelectrochemical system, Environmental Sciences & Technology, 50(15), 8205-8213, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b00535.
● Mao Deqiang, A. Revil(*), R. Hort, Munakata-Marr J. and Kulessa K. (2015), Resistivity and self-potential tomography applied to groundwater remediation and contaminant plumes: sandbox and field experiments, J. Hydr, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.031
● Ruijue Zhao, Qingrong Xiong, Zaibin Liu, Shiliang Liu, Xinmin Ma, Deqiang Mao(*), (2023), Reconstruction of hydrogeological parameter distributions by exploiting structural similarities, Advanced in Water Resources, 10.1016/j.advwatres.2023.104404.
● Ma M, Z Liu, X Ma, R Zhao, Deqiang Mao(*), (2022) Exploration of Ordovician limestone aquifer heterogeneity with tomographic water releasing tests, Journal of Hydrology, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127655
● 趙瑞玨,毛德強*🏊,劉再斌👩🏼🚒😜,姬中奎,曹祖寶,(2021) 基於水力層析法的某煤礦承壓含水層疊加放水試驗分析,水文地質與工程地質👂🏼,10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202003024
● Mao Deqiang, Z Liu, W Wang, S Li, Y Gao, Z Xu, C Zhang, (2018) An application of hydraulic tomography to a deep coal mine: combining traditional pumping tests with water inrush incidents, Journal of hydrology 567, 1-11
● Mao Deqiang, T.-C. J. Yeh, L. Wan, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee and J.-C. Wen(*) (2013), Joint interpretation of sequential pumping tests in unconfined aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 49, 1782-1796, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20129.
● Mao Deqiang, T.-C. J. Yeh, L. Wan, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee and J.-C. Wen(*) (2013), Cross-correlation analysis and information content of observed heads during pumping in unconfined aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 49, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20066.
● Mao, Deqiang, T.-C. J. Yeh, L. Wan, K.-C. Hsu and C.-H. Lee(*), (2013), Necessary and sufficient conditions for inverse modeling of flow through variably saturated porous media, Adv. Water Resour., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres. 2012.08.001.
● Mao, D., L. Wan, T.-C. J. Yeh, C.-H. Lee, K.-C. Hsu, J.-C. Wen and W. Lu(*) (2011), A revisit of drawdown behavior during pumping in unconfined aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 47, W05502, doi: 10.1029/2010WR009326.
Research interest
● Inverse modeling in hydrogeophysics
● Parameter estimation in hydrogeology
● Hydrological and geophysical model coupling
● Application of geo-electrical methods in groundwater exploration and monitoring
● High performance computing in hydrogeology and geophysics
Graduate student recruitment
Students with quantitative backgrounds and experience in either hydrogeology or geophysics (or both!!) are encouraged to apply. Please contact me if you are interested in joining my group.
Contact information
Mailing address:
Jingshi Rd 17922
School of Civil Engineering
Shandong University, Qianfoshan Campus
Jinan, Shandong province 250061
Email: maodeqiang@sdu.edu.cn
Personal website:http://faculty.sdu.edu.cn/~zmyeee/zh_CN/index.htm