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朱家明教授主要從事微納米力學、介觀尺度模擬🧑🏼‍💻、智能材料和人工智能等領域的研究🙊🥵,迄今在Materials Today (IF:24.2), International Journal of Plasticity (IF:9.8), Materials Horizons (IF:13.3), Acta Materialia (IF:9.4), Scripta Materialia (IF:6.0), Nano Energy (IF:16.8)等國際頂級期刊上發表學術論文49篇, SCI他引1000余次,H因子20📙,獲軟件著作權13項,主持了國家自然科學基金面上項目、山東省自然科學基金面上項目✡︎、廣東省自然科學基金面上項目、摩臣2平台齊魯青年學者項目、香港理工大學博士後研究基金、全國重點實驗室開放課題、之江實驗室創新基金🤖、摩臣2平台教改項目等,參與了科技部重點研發計劃、國家自然科學基金面上項目♾、美國國家自然科學基金、香港研究資助局基金等項目🤦🏻‍♂️,在國內外學術會議作特邀報告20余次🤵🏼,擔任《Crystal》、《Rare Metals》、《金屬學報》、《J. Iron Steel Res. Int.》🤷🏼‍♂️、《工程科學學報》🧖🏼‍♀️🤳🏽、《力學與實踐》、《鋼鐵研究學報》🪛、《應用力學學報》等學術期刊的客座主編、編委和青年編委。


2013-2017 香港科技大學  機械工程系  博士

2010-2013 中國科摩臣2力學研究所      碩士

2006-2010 摩臣2平台  工程力學系      學士


2020-至今    摩臣2平台       工程力學系         教授、博導

2019-2020 香港理工大學    機械工程系         博士後

2018-2019 香港城市大學    機械工程系         博士後

2015-2015 俄亥俄州立大學   材料科學與工程系 訪問學者


1.       多場耦合作用的介觀尺度模擬

2.       微納米力學、巖石力學、復合材料力學

3.       智能材料與結構的高性能設計

4.       人工智能及其科學應用


代表性學術論文 # 共同一作, * 通訊作者)

1.         J. M. Zhu, D. Wang, Y. Gao, T. Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang*. Linear-Superelastic Metals by Controlled Strain Release via Nanoscale Concentration-Gradient Engineering. Materials Today, (2020) 33, 17-23. (影響因子: 24.2)

2.         J. M. Zhu, Y. Gao, D. Wang, J. Li, T. Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang*. Making metals linear super-elastic with ultralow modulus and nearly zero hysteresis. Materials Horizons, (2019) 6, 515-523. (影響因子: 13.3)

3.         B. Xu, Y. Sun, C. Yu, J. Hu, J. M. Zhu*, J. Xiong, Q. Kan, C. Wang*, Q. Wang, G. Kang, Effect of Ni4Ti3 precipitates on the functional properties of NiTi shape memory alloys: A phase field study, International Journal of Plasticity, (2024) 177,103993. (影響因子: 9.8)

4.         J. M. Zhu, H. Wu, D. Wang, Y. Gao, H. Wang, Y. Hao, R. Yang, T. Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang*. Crystallographic analysis and phase field simulation of transformation plasticity in a multifunctional β-Ti alloy. International Journal of Plasticity, (2017) 89, 110-129. (影響因子: 9.8)

5.         J. M. Zhu*, H. Wu, Y. Wu, H. Wang, T. Zhang, H. Xiao, Y. Wang*, S. Q. Shi*. Influence of Ni4Ti3 precipitation on martensitic transformations in NiTi shape memory alloy: R phase transformation. Acta Materialia, (2021) 207, 116665. (影響因子: 9.4)

6.         J. M. Zhu, H. Wu, X. S. Yang, H. He, T. Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang*, S. Q. Shi*. Dissecting the influence of nanoscale concentration modulation on martensitic transformation in multifunctional alloys. Acta Materialia, (2019) 181, 99-109. (影響因子: 9.4)

7.         J. M. Zhu, T.L. Zhang, Y. Yang, C.T. Liu*. Phase field study of the copper precipitation in Fe-Cu alloy. Acta Materialia, (2019) 166, 560-571. (影響因子: 9.4)

8.         J. M. Zhu, Y. Gao, D. Wang, T. Y. Zhang*, Y. Wang*. Taming martensitic transformation via concentration modulation at nanoscale. Acta Materialia, (2017) 130, 196-207. (影響因子: 9.4)

9.         H. Fu, S. Yuan, W. Sun, J. Wan, K.C. Chan, J. M. Zhu*, X. Yang*, A novel atomic movement mechanism of intersection-induced bct-α→bcc-α′ martensitic phase transformation, Scripta Materialia, (2021) 204, 114153. (影響因子: 6.0)

10.     J. M. Zhu*, P. Chen#, H. Huang, G. Zhang, F. Hao*, K. Li*. Direct experimental evidence for the non-linear elasticity of multi-functional alloy Ti2448. Composites Communications, (2021) 24, 100672. (影響因子: 6.5)

11.     J. M. Zhu*, G. Zhang, H. Huang, D. Wang, P. Chen*, X. Yang*, A novel two-stage martensitic transformation induced by nanoscale concentration modulation in a TiNb-based shape memory alloy, Computational Materials Science, (2021) 200, 110843. (影響因子: 3.1)

12.     B. Li, C. Niu, T. Zhang, G. Chen, G. Zhang, D. Wang*, X. Zhou*, J. M. Zhu*, Advances of Machining Techniques for Gradient Structures in Multi-principal-element alloys, Rare Metals, (2022) 41, 4015-4026. (影響因子: 9.6)

13.     X. Zhou, T. Zhang, L. Cheng, X. Yang*, and J. M. Zhu*, Variant selection map of external load during Ni4Ti3 precipitation in nitinol: A theoretical and phase field study, Acta Mechanica Sinica (2024) 40, 123480. (影響因子: 3.8)

14.     K. Wang, H. Wu*, S. Lv, L. Dong, C. Zhang*, S. Wang, G. Wu, J. Gao, J. M. Zhu*, and X. Mao, Multi-Phase Field Modeling of Austenite to Pearlite-Ferrite Transformation in Hypoeutectoid Steel, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 待刊,(影響因子: 5.6)

15.     X. Zhou, S. Sun, S. Cai, G. Chen, H. Wu*, J. Xiong*, J. M. Zhu*, Accelerating three-dimensional phase-field simulations via deep learning approaches, Journal of Materials Science, (2024) 59, 15727–15737. (影響因子: 3.5)

16.     G. Chen, X. Zhou, T. Zhang, S. Cai, J. M. Zhu*, Multilayered microstructures achieved by a concentration gradient initial condition via spinodal decomposition evidenced in the Ti–Nb multifunctional alloy, Acta Mechanica, 待刊,(影響因子: 2.3)

17.     K. Wang, S. Lv, H.-H. Wu*, G. Wu, S. Wang*, J. Gao, J. M. Zhu* , X. Yang, X. Mao, Recent research progress on the phase-field model of microstructural evolution during metal solidification, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, (2023) 30, 2095-2111. (影響因子: 5.6)

18.     Y. Han, P. Chen*, J. M. Zhu*, H. Liu, Y. Zhang, Mechanical behavior of single layer MoS2 sheets with aligned defects under uniaxial tension, Journal of Applied Physics, (2021) 130, 124302. (影響因子: 2.7)

19.     F. Zhuo, H. Qiao, J. M. Zhu*, S. Wang*, Y. Bai, X. Mao, H. Wu*. Perspective on antiferroelectrics for energy storage and conversion applications. Chinese Chemical Letters, (2021) 32, 2097-2107. (影響因子: 9.4)

20.     Y. Wu, F. Zhang, F.S. Li, Y. Yang, J. M. Zhu, H. Wu, Y. Zhang, Y. Yuan, R. T. Qu, Z. Nie, Y. Ren, Y.-D. Wang, H. Zhu, X.J. Liu, H. Wang, Z. P. Lu*, Local chemical fluctuation mediated ultra-sluggish martensitic transformation in high-entropy intermetallics, Materials Horizons, (2022). (影響因子: 13.3)

21.     T. Zhang, J. M. Zhu, T. Yang, J. Luan, H. Kong, W. Liu, B. Cao, S. Wu, D. Wang, Y. Wang, C.T. Liu*, A new α + β Ti-alloy with refined microstructures and enhanced mechanical properties in the as-cast state, Scripta Materialia, (2022) 207, 114260. (影響因子: 6.0)

22.     S. Lv, H. Wu, K. Wang, C. Zhang, J. M. Zhu, S. Wang, G. Wu, J. Gao, X. Yang, X. Mao🏋🏿🫷🏽,Phase field simulation of eutectoid microstructure during austenite-pearlite phase transformation, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, (2023) 26, 8922-8933. (影響因子: 6.2)

23.     P. Bai, C. Shang, H.-H. Wu*, G. Ma, S. Wang*, G. Wu, J. Gao, Y. Chen, J. Zhang, J. M. Zhu, X. Mao, A review on the advance of low-temperature toughness in pipeline steels, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, (2023) 25, 6949-6964. (影響因子: 6.2)

24.     X. Li, D. Zhu, K. Pan, X. Zhou, J. M. Zhu, Y. Wang, Y. Ren, H. Wu, Identifying key determinants of discharge capacity in ternary cathode materials of lithium-ion batteries, Chinese Chemical Letters, 待刊😲,(影響因子: 9.4)

25.     D. Wang, J. M. Zhu, T. Zhang, and Y. Wang*, Design of compositionally modulated materials for controlled strain release during deformation through phase‑field simulations, MRS Bulletin, (2024) 49,1-15. (影響因子: 4.1)

26.     X. Zhang, D. Zhu, C. Zhang, Xiaoye Zhou, H-H Wu, F. Wang, S. Wang, G. Wu, J. Gao, H. Zhao, J. M. Zhu, X. Mao, A review of crystal defect-induced element segregation in multi-component alloy steels, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 待刊👒,(影響因子: 4.8)

27.     L. Lou, P. Chen*, J. Peng, J. M. Zhu, G. Liu, On the transport behavior of shale gas in nanochannels with fractal roughness, Physics of Fluids, (2024) 36, 022014. (影響因子: 4.1)

28.     F. Wang, L. Dong, H.-H. Wu*, P. Bai, S. Wang*, G. Wu, J. Gao, J. M. Zhu, X. Zhou*, X. Mao, Enhanced nanocrystalline stability of BCC iron via copper segregation, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, (2023) 33, 185-192. (影響因子: 4.8)

29.     S. Lv, H. Wu*, K. Wang, J. M. Zhu, S. Wang*, G. Wu, J. Gao, X. Yang, X. Mao, The austenite to polygonal ferrite transformation in low-alloy steel: multi-phase-field simulation, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, (2023) 24, 9630-9643. (影響因子: 6.2)

30.     W. Guo, P. Chen, H. Liu, G. Peng, J. M. Zhu, Y. Wu, Interfacial behavior of thin film bonded to plastically graded substrate under tensile loading, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, (2023) 97, 104818. (影響因子: 4.4)

31.     S. Lv, H. Wu*, K. Wang, S. Wang*, G. Wu, J. Gao, X. Yang, J. M. Zhu, X. Mao, The microstructure evolution and influence factors of acicular ferrite in low alloy steels, Computational Materials Science, (2023) 218, 111989. (影響因子: 3.1)

32.     G. Zhang, Z. Qin, Y. Qian, J. M. Zhu, Microstructural evolution and kinetics of phase separation in binary polymer blends under electric fields, Computational Materials Science, (2022) 213, 111659. (影響因子: 3.1)

33.     M. Hao, Y. Wang, P. Li, T. Zhang, J. M. Zhu, Dong Wang*, Heterogeneous Microstructure Enhanced Comprehensive Mechanical Properties in Titanium Alloys, JOM (2021). (影響因子: 2.1)

34.     H. Huang; Y. Yang, J. M. Zhu, Hong-Hui Wu*, B. Huang*, Rational design of black phosphorene/g-C3B heterostructures as high-performance electrodes for Li and Na-ion batteries, Applied Surface Science, (2021) 561, 150093. (影響因子: 6.3)

35.     B. Wu, H. Fu, X. Zhou, L. Qian, J. Luo, J. M. Zhu, W.B. Lee, X. Yang*, Severe plastic deformation-produced gradient nanostructured copper with a strengthening-softening transition, Materials Science & Engineering A, (2021) 819, 141495. (影響因子: 6.1)

36.     H. Wu, Y. Ke, J. M. Zhu, Z. Wu, X. Wang*. Effects of magnetic frequency and the coupled magnetic-mechanical loading on a ferromagnetic shape memory alloy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, (2021) 54, 155301. (影響因子: 3.1)

37.     T.L. Zhang, D. Wang, J. M. Zhu, H. Xiao, C.T. Liu*, Y. Wang*. Non-conventional transformation pathways and ultrafine lamellar structures in γ-TiAl alloys. Acta Materialia, (2020) 189, 25-34. (影響因子: 9.4)

38.     H. Huang, H. Wu, C. Chi, J. M. Zhu, B. Huang*, T. Y. Zhang*, Out-of-plane ion transport makes nitrogenated holey graphite a promising high-rate anode for both Li and Na ion batteries, Nanoscale, (2019) 11, 18758-18768. (影響因子: 5.8)

39.     K. Pan*, K. Shan, S. Wei*, Y. Zhao, L. Xu, J. M. Zhu, H. Wu*, Two-step alcohothermal synthesis and characterization of enhanced visible-light-active WO3-coated TiO2 heterostructure, Ceramics International, (2020) 46, 2102-2109. (影響因子: 5.1)

40.     K. Pan*, K. Shan, S. Wei*, K. Li, J. M. Zhu, S. H. Siyal, H. Wu*, Enhanced photocatalytic performance of WO3-x with oxygen vacancies via heterostructuring, Composites Communications, (2019) 16, 106-110. (影響因子: 6.5)

41.     H. Wu, S. G. Cao, J. M. Zhu, T. Y. Zhang*. The frequency-dependent behavior of a ferroelectric single crystal with dislocation arrays. Acta Mechanica, (2017) 228, 2811-2817. (影響因子: 2.3)

42.     H. Wu, J. M. Zhu, T. Y. Zhang*. Pseudo-first-order phase transition for ultrahigh positive/negative electrocaloric effects in perovskite ferroelectrics. Nano Energy, (2015) 16, 419-427. (影響因子: 16.8)

43.     H. Wu, J. M. Zhu, T. Y. Zhang*. Double Hysteresis Loops and Large Negative and Positive Electrocaloric Effects in Tetragonal Ferroelectrics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, (2015) 17, 23897-23908. (影響因子: 2.9)

44.     H. Wu, J. M. Zhu, T. Y. Zhang*. Size-dependent ultrahigh electrocaloric effect near pseudo-first-order phase transition temperature in barium titanate nanoparticles. RSC Advances, (2015) 5, 37476-37484. (影響因子: 3.9)



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3.       廣東省自然科學基金面上項目(No: 2023A1515011819

4.       廣東省自然科學基金面上項目(No: 2024A1515012469

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9.       國家自然科學基金面上項目No: 51971187








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